Eco-Friendly Firestarter

Care for the natural environment






Eco-friendly firestarter for barbecues, wood stoves and fireplaces is manufactured by participants of PSONI Occupation Therapy in Gdańsk. It is made exclusively from natural materials, odour- and pollutants-free. It is highly effective even in the most difficult atmospheric conditions and gives stable flame for up to 20 minutes. The firestarter is produced under Swiss licence no. (689-453-A5) K-Lumet.

K-Lumet Firestarter has gained recognition and many regular constumers in the Polish market and won numerous competitions. The product is unbelivably ergonomic, user-friendly, durable and effective.

PSONI – the Polish Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability promotes equal rights and opportunities for persons with learning difficulties, a greater respect for their human rights, their active participation in society, and stronger support for their families. The Association achieves its goals and objectives through running its facilities and organizing long- and short-term, single- and multiple-edition projects.