A Story of a "Szkoła Życia" (School of Life)







In our gift boxes you can find unique products from the Forest Pantry: dandelion syrup listed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development as an official traditional product, natural quince syrup and dried fruit. The products are manufactured during occupational therapy for persons with addictions.

The Forest Pantry is a processing and drying facility for fruit, vegetables and wild muhsrooms belonging to the “ECO” “Szkoła życia” organic farm associated with the readaptation centre run by the Solidarni „PLUS” EKO „Szkoła Życia” Association in Wandzin. For over 26 years, the Association has offered multifaceted help to persons with disabilities, addictions and addictive disorders, the homeless, the elderly requiring specialist geriatric care and others in need.

Apart from food processing, the Forest Pantry also raises farm animals and educates the public about environmental issues.